Advantages of solar
Solar electricity offers economic security against rising electricity prices. Even as the cost of conventional current and fuel keeps escalating, with solar power your cost per unit remains constant for years. Besides, operating costs are minimal because solar cells, unlike conventional power systems need very little maintenance and use no fuel.
Installing solar cells is a high return investment. No matter what size system you install or what percentage of your electric usage you choose to use solar, your payback period will be relatively similar. Once you recover the initial cost of your solar electric power system within the first few years, you will have a percentage of your electricity bill eliminated for decades!
Solar electric power systems are fully automatic and do not require any human intervention making it totally hassle-free. There are no moving parts, so photo voltaic systems have very long lifetimes ranging from anywhere between 30 to 40 years and are virtually maintenance free.
Drawing power directly from the sun, solar electric power systems produce zero emissions. Many of the traditional forms of producing energy release chemicals like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, and mercury into the environment, which are known to contribute to climate change, acid rain, and human health problems.
Going solar can not only reduce your operational costs, but also serve as a great marketing tool and an excellent way to improve your organisation's image.
So switching to solar power is not just a smart move for your organization, but for the planet too!